About KTC

About KTC


Kachin Theological College (Kutkai) is located in Block (5), Kutkai, Northern Shan state, Myanmar. The school campus is naturally blessed having 41.639 acres wide of mini forest.


It was American Baptist Mission that sent Christian missionaries to do mission work among the Kachin peoples. The decision was made by the Rhode Island Mission Board of America on May 5, 1877. The first American missionaries who, on February 13, 1878, arrived in Bhamo, the second largest town in Kachin State, were Rev. Albert J. Lyon and his wife. After a month of his arrival, Rev. Lyon passed away due to his illness with a fever.

Therefore, the American Missionary Board of Directors sent a pastor from Illonois, William Henry Roberts and his wife again. Being accompanied by Karen evangelists, Maw Keh and Shwe Gyaw from Yangon to Bhamo, this second Couple, Mr. and Mrs. Roberts reached Bhamo on January 12, 1879. Rev. Roberts went to Kachin villages, preaching and witnessing the salvation works to the Kachins. Many Kachins started believing in Christianity. Mrs. Roberts laid down her life within a year and a half of her arrival, though her husband pioneered among the Kachins for nearly forty years. Three years after the arrival, on March 19, 1882 at the village of Bum Wa at the creek of Nam Mauk stream, Rev. Roberts baptized the very first seven Kachin elders. There were many Karens both males and females performing missionary duties along with American missionaries in Kachinland.

Rev. Roberts started inventing Kachin literature by using Burmese alphabets and even he and his Kachin pupils translated the gospel according to Matthew. However, he found out that the Burmese alphabets did not fit in with the Kachin lingual and vocal writing and never conceived of himself as a translator. He repeatedly asked the Mission to recruit a scholar for this important work. Ola Hanson arrived in Yangon to begin such work in 1890. He employed Roman alphabets in introducing Kachin literature and the translation of the Holy Bible in Kachin language. He also compiled a Kachin-English Dictionary. After the innovation of Kachin literature (1895), gospels and hymnals were also translated into Kachin. At the celebration of 50th Golden Jubilee of the Kachin Baptist convention, on March 27, 1927 in Bhamo, on behalf of the Kachin Baptist Convention, Rev. Damau Naw received the Kachin Bible presented by Dr. Ola Hanson.

By the mandate of Kachin Baptist Convention Meeting in 1930, the three Kachin elders, namely: Maran Robin from Myitkyina, Lahpai Zau Tu from Bhamo and Labya De from Northern Shan State were sent to the Convention meeting of Board of American Baptist Mission Headquartered in Yangon, to request for the formation of Bible School for the Kachin Church. As a result, the request was taken into consideration. Tracing back to 1901, Ola Hanson introduced Bible classes for Kachin and Karen evangelists in Myitkyina, Bhamo and Nam Kham. In the same year, another American Missionary, Rev. Gustaf A. Sword also formed a Bible class in Nam Hkam. However, the actual formation of regular Bible School for Kachin Church could be materialized only on September 7, 1932 in Bhamo, Kachinland. It started running with nine students in the first year and offered layman course. Rev. George J. Geis, a former retired missionary served as the First principal of the Bible School.

After two years, the Bible school was transferred to Kutkai, Northern Shan State and officially renamed as Kachin Bible School (KBS) that offered two year course. The classes were interrupted during 1942-1945 of World War II and resumed in 1946. Due to political situation, a decision to form another Bible School in Kachinland was made at triennial meeting of Kachin Baptist Convention (KBC) in 1963. In the end of 1966, the second Bible School was established on a large piece of land at Nawng Nang, Myitkyina, Kachinland. It is currently known as Kachin Theological College and Seminary (KTCS). The Bible School in Kutkai was also carried on as the High School Level Bible Training Centre administered by Shan State Baptist Association of KBC and reopened on May 15, 1967 with 34 enrollments under the leadership of Rev. Lahpai Zaw Yaw. This time, the school started to offer three year course.

As a decision of combining two schools under one Board of Trustees was made in1993, Kachin Theological College, Kutkai had been the Affiliated School of Kachin Theological College, Nawng Nang from 1997 to 2008. In March 2008, at the Diamond Jubilee of Kachin Theological College, the Convention made of decision that the Bible School in Kutkai should be under her own Board of Trustees. Since then, the college has become one of the self-standing Theological Colleges of Kachin Baptist Convention which is composed of 18 Associations with over 300 churches and 400,000 members (KBC – KACHIN BAPTIST CONVENTION (kbckachin.org)). In recognition of its leadership in the promotion of quality theological education, Awards for Accreditation Status from December 2018 to November 2023 to the Bachelor of Theological Program was given on the 29th March 2019 at Central Philippine University, Jaro, Iloilo City, Philippines, by Association for Theological Education in Southeast Asia (ATESEA). KTC Sunday is fixed to annually celebrate in the second week of September.

Founders and Principals

  • Rev. George J. Geis (1932 – 1936) (Founder and Principal)
  • Rev. Gustaf A. Sword (1936 – 1942) (Founder and Principal after Geis)
  • Herman G. Tegenfeldt
  • Rev. Dr. Donald M. Crider (1953 – 1964) (Founder, Dean of School, Principal & Farming)
  • Rev. Lahpai Zau Yaw (1967-1968)
  • Rev. Lahpai Hkun Gam (1968-1974, 1980-1993)
  • Rev. Hkangda Brang Gam (1974-1976)
  • Rev. Dr. Lahpai Zau Lat (1976-1978)
  • Rev. Zinghang Tu Nan (1978-1979)
  • Rev. Hkangda Tu Lum (1979-1980)
  • Rev. Maran Sing Gawng (1993-1997, 2009-2018)
  • Rev. Dr. Sumlut La Ting (1999-2002)
  • Rev. Waje Zau Htung (2003-2009)
  • Rev. Dr. Lahtaw Zau Awng (2018- Present)


KTC is a leading Christian University with its academic excellence and commitment to a center of holistic transformative education which is rooted in the wisdom of God.


KTC is a nurturing ground and creating learning environment for students in holistic development who are creative, critical and compassionate to make an affective contribution to the church and society in a dynamic environment.

Core values

  • Christian value: Spirit of love and compassion, commitment, hospitality, ministry, service, faithfulness, honesty and trust
  • KBC’s belief and practice a
  • Kachin identity and heritage; not exclusive but inclusive and equity, diversity, culture, indigenous knowledge
  • Committed leaders
  • Peace, social justice and righteousness
  • Gender equality and equity
  • Ecologically concern and Sustainability
  • Community, Social inclusion and respect diversity
  • Freedom of Education and transformative education
  • Accountability, integrity and Stewardship

Upgrading Programs and Accreditation Process

Layman Course (Bhamo, Kachinland)
Two Year Course (Kutkai, Northern Shan State)
Second World War (interruption)
Three Year Diploma Course started (supervised by Shan State Baptist Association of KBC)
The school was renamed as “Theological Seminary”.
Branch school of KTCS (Nawng Nang)
Licentiate in Theology Program Started
Lay man course dismissed
Bachelor of Theology Program
Became Self Standing College of KBC
Member School of BATEM
Member School of ATEM
Bachelor of Ministry Program started
Diploma in Church Music
Member of ATESEA
Agriculture and Livestock Program
Certificate of English Language program started
ATESEA Awards for Accreditation Status received
Master of Divinity Program
Master of Ministry Program (Kachin)

Certificate in Christian Religious Education

Early Childhood Care and Development School

Certificate in Computer Application

Diploma in English Language

Board of Trustees

Board of Trustees is the supervising body of the college ensuring that the college’s academic and administrative leadership are guided by sound policies and practices and equipped with adequate resources to further KTC’s mission. Board of Trustees holds a meeting twice an academic year at least. Board of Trustees consists of the following people:

  • Chairperson: Rev. Dr. Hkangda Brang Ja (Lashio Kachin Baptist Chruch, SGZ)
  • Vice Chairperson: Rev. Hkangma Brang Mai (Bum San Kachin Baptist Church, MGZ)
  • Secretary: Rev. Dr. Lahtaw Zau Awng (Principal, KTC)
  • Assistant Secretary: Saranum Maran Nang Seng (Vice Principal, KTC)
  • Academic Dean: Rev. Lahpai Tu Ja (KTC)
  • Liberal Arts Dean (KTC)
  • Treasurer: Sr. Maran Hkun Naw (KJH, KGZ)
  • Construction Director: Sara Dawshi Zau Awn
  • Auditor (KBC)
  • Student Dean
  • Registrar: Rev. Maran Zau Bawk
  • KBC Education and Leadership Department
  • KBC Theological Department
  • KBC Christian Education Department
Maran Nang Seng

Maran Nang Seng

  1. Acting President (2024 – 2026)
Rev. Lahpai Seng Hpung

Rev. Lahpai Seng Hpung

  1. Acting Vice-President 2024-2026
Rev. Dr. Lahpai Tu Ja

Rev. Dr. Lahpai Tu Ja

  1. Academic Dean (2022-2026)
Rev Maran Zau Bawk

Rev Maran Zau Bawk

  1. Registrar
Rev. Maji Yaw Gyi

Rev. Maji Yaw Gyi

  1. Campus Pastor
  2. B.Sc, B.D, M.Th
Lahpai Ja Ing Hkam

Lahpai Ja Ing Hkam

  1. Liberal Arts Dean
  2. M.A
Njung Tu Hkawng

Njung Tu Hkawng

  1. Director of Rev. Lahpai Zau Yaw Research Center
Bamwaw Dau Nyoi

Bamwaw Dau Nyoi

  1. Coordinator of Church Music Program
  2. BARS, B.A (Music), B. Mus (Philippines), Master In Church Music (Singapore)
Maran Gum Seng Awng

Maran Gum Seng Awng

  1. Coordinator of Agriculture and Livestock Program